Discover the wide range of make-up at Profumeria Lauda. Find foundation, eye shadow, lipstick, mascara and everything you need to create unique and personalized looks. Choose from the best cosmetic brands and let your beauty shine with irresistible styles and colors.
552 products
0N Neutral
1C Cool
1N Neutral
1W Warm
1 5N Neutral
2N Neutral
2W Warm
2 5N Neutral
3N Neutral
3W Warm
3 5N Neutral
4N Neutral
20 Translucent Glow
21 Soft Pink Glow
22 Peach Glow
23 Pomegranate Glow
24 Fuchsia glow
25 Mulberry Glow
01 The Red
02 Wilful Red
06 Reignited Amber
07 Uninhibited Flame
08 Fearless Carnelian
09 Undeniable Plum
10 Brazen Nudes
11 Frontal Nude
12 Nu Incongru
1971 Red Provocation
53 Sienna Brown
61 Pink Flesh
62 Brick Red
64 Nudes
66 Purple
71 Turtledove
72 Burnt Brown
82 Red
83 Grape marc
84 Dark Antique Pink
85 Brown
87 Orange
88 Terracotta
90 Mauve
91 Bordeaux
93 Antique Pink
94 Dark Mauve
96 Coral
97 Red Orange
98 Fuchsia
CN10 Alabaster EBM
CN28 Ivory
CN40 Cream Chamois EBM
CN52 Neutral EBM
CN58 Honey
CN70 Vanilla EBM
CN74 Beige
CN78 Nutty
CN90 Sand EBM
WN46 Golden Neutral EBM
WN114 Golden
CN08 Linen
WN56 Cashew
WN94 Deep Neutral
WN48 Oats
WN16 Buff
CN075 Custard
CN18 Cream Whip
101 Aglow
102 Innocent Peach
107 Sunset Glow
110 Precious Posy
115 Smoldering Plum
120 Bashful Blush
10 Beige Nude
11 Beige Bloom
12 Beige Crush
20 Rose Sweet
21 Rose Pop
22 Rose Punch
30 Orange Spice
31 Orange Fawn
40 Rouge Icon
41 Rouge Flame
42 Rouge Royal
43 Rouge Ardent
0001 Milk
0002 White Pearly
0003 Nude Caramel
0007 Nude Caramel
0010 Old Rose
0011 Pearly Rose
0013 Crystal Quartz
0015 Pink Flower
0019 Geranium Flower
0022 Poppy Red
0024 Sophisticated Red
0025 Blood Red
0026 Red Currant
0028 Spicy Red
0032 Precious Pink
0039 Precious Silver
0041 Transparent
0045 Super Black
0053 Copper Chic
0060 Burgundy
0062 Exotic
0069 Aerial Abyss
0071 Zephyraqua
0072 Twilight
0073 Aeriel
0074 Mandala
0075 Peri Chakra
0076 Namaste Pink
0077 Mantras
0078 Meditation Mauve
0079 Mystic
0080 Surreal Flamingo
0081 Dolphin's Secret
0082 Safari Sunset
0083 Mimicry