Discover our collection of lipsticks, available in a wide range of colors and finishes to suit every style and preference. From neutrals to vibrants, matte to glossy finishes, you'll find the perfect lipstick for every occasion. Experiment with hydrating, long-wearing, and highly pigmented formulas that offer all-day comfort and wear. Add a pop of color and glamour to your look with our premium lipsticks, formulated to ensure lips feel soft, hydrated, and look flawless.
48 products
10 Beige Jaipur
11 Beige Tahitian
12 Beige Bali
13 Beige Eldorado
14 Beige Copacabana
15 Beige Manhattan
20 Portofino Roses
21 Roses Noumea
22 Roses Paris
23 Roses Delhi
24 Roses Santa Fe
25 Kyoto Roses
26 Roses Granada
27 Bolshoi Roses
28 Rose Shanghai
29 Roses Mexico
30 Orange Ibiza
31 Orange Acapulco
32 Orange Calvi
33 Orange Seville
40 Red Monaco
41 Red Miami
42 Red Rio
43 Red Capri
45 Red Milan
201 Rose Tokyo
00 Moi Moi Moi
01 Universelle
06 Rose Nu
07 Night Bouquet
11 Rose Nature
12 Smoky Rose
66 Orange Confit
132 Red Caprice
139 Red Grandiose
143 Red Badaboum
144 Red Oulala
148 Bisou Bisou
171 Small Fish
176 But Grenadines
190 The Fougere
196 French Touch
198 Flamboyant Red
250 Mirage Tents
253 Mademoiselle Amanda
259 Mademoiselle Chiara
264 May Be
274 French Tea
295 French Rendezvous
339 Blooming Peonies
347 The Baiser
366 Paris Seville
397 Berry Black
492 The Night Treasure
525 French Bisou
546 But First Cafe
502 Whisper
503 Nude Streak
504 Thigh High
505 Peep Show
506 Disrobed
507 Murmur
508 Semi Nude
509 Flame
510 Night Life
511 Unfiltered
513 Shock Wave
514 Hyper Red
515 Mellow Drama
516 Exotic Red
517 Rose Hip
518 Selfies
519 Fuchsia Fetish
520 After Hours
521 Night
522 Velvet Rope
523 May
524 Dark Fantasy
03 Le Nude Intense
06 Le Rose Brun
08 Le Nu
11 Le Beige Noisette
15 Le Marron Glacé
19 Le Brun Intense
131 Le Beige Praline
214 Le Rouge Kiss
333 Le Rouge Framboise
510 Le Rouge Vibrant
518 Le Rose Blush
519 Le Rose Essentiel
829 Le Fuchsia Profond
880 Le Rouge Rubis
919 Le Rouge Cassis
968 Le Lie de Vin
20 Translucent Glow
21 Soft Pink Glow
22 Peach Glow
23 Pomegranate Glow
24 Fuchsia glow
25 Mulberry Glow
01 The Red
02 Wilful Red
06 Reignited Amber
07 Uninhibited Flame
08 Fearless Carnelian
09 Undeniable Plum
10 Brazen Nudes
11 Frontal Nude
12 Nu Incongru
1971 Red Provocation
10 Beige Nude
11 Beige Bloom
12 Beige Crush
20 Rose Sweet
21 Rose Pop
22 Rose Punch
30 Orange Spice
31 Orange Fawn
40 Rouge Icon
41 Rouge Flame
42 Rouge Royal
43 Rouge Ardent
109 Lily Caress
119 Floral Nude
129 Blossom Kiss
219 Eternal Rose
229 Petal Blush
309 Fresh Coral
319 Peach Kiss
409 Fuchsia Flush
509 Wild Kiss
520 Love Bloom
521 Kiss To Say
609 Spring Rose
709 Petal Red
729 Daisy Red
775 Poppy Kiss
809 Flower Fever
829 Tender Lilac
230 Watch Me Shine
232 Mademoiselle Plays
397 Call Me Shiny
385 Make It Shine
398 Mademoiselle Loves
525 As Good As Shine
168 Shine Declaration
157 Mademoiselle Stands Out
392 Shine Goodness
368 Mademoiselle Smiles
317 Kiss Me Shine
322 Shine Bright
382 Mademoiselle Shine
301 Oh My Shine!
705 Soft Berry
711 Papaya
731 Rose Berry
732 Grenadine
737 Spicy Cinnamon
742 Joli Rouge
743 Cherry Red
744 Soft Plum
752 Rosewood
757 Nude Brick
768 Strawberry
769 Burgundy Lily
771 Dahlia Red
774 Pink Blossom
775 Pink Petunia
778 Pecan Nude
12 Electric Love
44 Nude Lavalliere
80 Glowing Lava
122 Caramel Swirl
150 Nude Lingerie
154 Love Berry
200 Pink Sand
201 Rosewood Blush
203 Blushed Mallow
209 Pink Desire
210 Passion Red
211 Ardent Carmine
31 Dark Mauve
32 Medium Mauve
33 Antique pink
34 Bordeaux
35 Magenta
36 Raspberry
37 Red
38 Nude beige
39 Pink Brick
40 Hazelnut
41 Black Cherry
42 Pomegranate
705S Soft Berry
706S Fig
732S Grenadine
742S Joli Rouge
744S Soft Plum
757S Nude Brick
759S Woodberry
762S Pop Pink
201 Red Tattoo
202 Coral Symbol
204 Beige Underground
211 Chili Incitement
212 Red Rebel
216 Nude Emblem
130 Not Flirting
135 Sweet Heat
196 French Touch
274 French Tea
276 Cozy Sexy
282 All Sweet
289 French Plush
299 French Cashmere
344 Plush Rose
352 Rose Fondue
388 Rose Lancome
464 Tendere Pourpre
505 Attrape Coeurs
525 French Bisou
888 French Idol
01 Nude Pop
02 Bare Pop
03 Cola Pop
04 Beige Pop
05 Melon Pop
06 Poppy Pop
07 Passion Pop
08 Cherry Pop
09 Sweet Pop
10 Punch Pop
11 Wow Pop
12 Fab Pop
13 Love Pop
14 Plum Pop
15 Berry Pop
16 Grape Pop
17 Mocha Pop
18 Papaya Pop
19 Party Pop
20 Sugar Pop
23 Blush Pop
24 Raspberry Pop
2 Healthy Glow Plumper
4 Nude Pleasure
5 Pink Satisfaction
6 Burgundy Temptation
11 Red Thrill
15 Nude Showcases
002 Cosmic Crystal
003 Sun Crystal
004 Carying Crystal
005 Love Crystal
006 Hope Crystal
007 Divine Crystal
10 Sheer Nudes
11 Sheer Blossom
12 Sheer Cocoa
20 Sheer Petal
21 Sheer Rosewood
22 Sheer Raspberry
23 Sheer Flamingo
30 Sheer Coral
31 Sheer Chili
40 Sheer Cherry
41 Sheer Red Love
42 Sheer Cranberry
Nude Pop
Bare Pop
Melon Pop
Cherry Pop
Sweet Pop
Punch Pop
Love Pop
Plum Pop
Blush Pop
Sugar Pop
Flame Pop
Fig Pop
0001 Marlon
0002 Judy
0003 Grace
0004 Audrey
0005 Cary
0006 Clark
0007 Greta
0008 Ginger
0009 Marilyn
0010 Marlene
705V Soft Berry
732V Grenadine
742V Joli Rouge
754V Deep Red
768V Strawberry
782V Bell Pepper
783V Almond Nude
784V Praline Nude