What type of skin do I have?
Do you know your skin?
To give your skin the best treatment, it is important to know your skin type and check the products we have in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen…
With proper nutrition and the help of specific micronutrients we can give her everything she needs.
But do we know what skin is?
The skin is the largest and most versatile organ of our body: it protects us from the influences of the agents that surround us, it is a barrier that guarantees internal balance and is considered the mirror of our health!
Generally speaking, there are three types of skin: dry, oily, and combination.

Let's do a little test to help you understand:
1- After cleansing…
A- I feel a sensation of tension on my face.B- I feel refreshed.
C- in a few moments my face becomes shiny again.
2- During the day…
A- my skin is dry, sometimes it forms small “scales”. B- Sometimes the forehead, nose and chin become shiny.
C- My skin is often shiny.
3- My pores…
A- they are barely visible. B- They are visible only on the forehead, nose and mouth.
C- are clearly visible all over the face.

I'm definitely A: your skin type is dry
I'm definitely B: your skin type is combination
I'm definitely C: your skin type is oily

Beware of temporary skin conditions!
What are they?
Each skin type can present temporary needs that make it oscillate between one category and another.
What are they?
Dehydration and Sensitivity.
Dehydrated skin is skin lacking water, I can notice thin parallel lines, slight flaking, uneven skin tone, rough skin and redness.
Sensitive skin is often caused by stressful conditions, such as cold or pollution, which cause redness, tightness, itching and burning.
In the next article....
We will analyze each skin type and give you advice for a correct treatment!
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